Saša Kravos, prof. (1.b)
4. 10. 2013
V Ajdovščini imamo FRUCTAL. To je podjetje, ki izdeluje sadne sokove, sadne rezine, frutke za dojenčke, sirupe … V podjetju poudarjajo pozitiven odnos so narave. Izdelujejo in uspešno tržijo najkakovostnejše izdelke iz sadja in nekaterih drugih plodov narave. Njihovi izdelki ohranjajo vse bogastvo naravnih vsebin brez umetnih dodatkov. S svojim proizvodnim programom ter s širitvijo poslovanja v mednarodno okolje se uvrščajo v krog najboljših evropskih proizvajalcev v svoji panogi.
Podjetje je praznovalo svoj 68. rojstni dan. Organizirali so dan odprtih vrat. Učenci naše šole so si ogledali tovarno. Bili so navdušeni. Za otroke so pripravili tudi delavnice, na katerih so sodelovali. Na eni izmed njih so se učili, kako reciklirati smeti. Spoznavali so, kako je pomembno skrbeti za naravo, da nas obdari z zdravimi in okusnimi sadeži.
Če še niste poskusili Fructalovih izdelkov, jim morate čim prej. Ne bo vam žal!
October 4, 2013
In our town – Ajdovščina we have FRUCTAL. Fructal is a company that produces fruit juices, fruit bars, babies’ first fruit food, syrups… They emphasize a positive attitude towards nature. They produce and successfully market top quality products of fruit and some other nature’s crops. Their products preserve all the richness of natural food without artificial additives. With their range of products and expansion of operations to the international environment, they rank among the best European manufacturers in their line of business.
The company celebrated its 68th birthday. They organized an open-door day, so the pupils from our school visited the plant and were absolutely thrilled. They also prepared workshops for children, in which they took part. In one of them they learnt how to recycle the waste. Children realized how important it is to take care of nature that presents us with healthy and delicious fruits.
If you haven’t tasted one of Fructal’s products yet, you have to do it as soon as possible. You will not regret it!
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