Takšne pogače je lahko narediti. Sestavine: mast, sončnična ali mešana semena, vrvica, paličica, plastičen lonček, škarje, lonec, žlica ali kuhalnica, kuhalnik.
Naša foto-zgodba prikazuje, kako smo pogače izdelali.
Z obešanjem pogač v okolici šole smo poskrbeli, da bodo ptice imele lažjo zimo, mi pa jih bomo lahko opazovali, poslušali in se tako še dodatno učili o njih.
Mentors: Anuša Blažko, Emelina Vidrih
In class, our firstgraders were learning about bird migrations and different bird species. After class they decided to make bird feeders for the birds that spend the wintertime in our surroundings.
These bird feeders are easy to make. All you need is:
some animal fat, some sunflower and other mixed seeds, a piece of a string (optional, but if you use it, you will be able to tie your feeder on a branch), a piece of a branch (optional, but if you use it, birds will have a place to stand on), a plastic cup (we reused them and we encourage you to reuse them, too!), scissors, a pot, a spoon and a cooker/stove.
Here is our photo story. You can use it as an instruction:
bird feeders
This is it! Birds in our surroundings will have a nicer winter. And we will be able to enjoy watching, listening and therefore learning about them!