1. c – Barbara Trošt, prof.
1. a – Anita Gaberšček, prof.
1. b – Saša Kravos, prof.
10. 10. 2013
V okviru projekta Comenius smo na šolo povabili gozdarja gospoda Bojana Zadravca. Ljubiteljsko se ukvarja s preučevanjem in zbiranjem metuljev. Učenci so ob njegovi predstavitvi spoznavali, kakšne metulje imamo, kakšen je njihov življenjski cikel, kako z njimi ravnamo in kakšen je njihov pomen v naravi.
Metulji so pomembni pri varovanju narave, saj prikazujejo stopnjo hranjenosti narave in biološke raznovrstnosti. Zaščita njihovih habitatov je pomembna tudi za zaščito ostalih skupin organizmov, ki tam živijo. Odrasli metulji s svojo barvitostjo navdihujejo modo in umetnost. Med drugim tudi likovno – zato smo metulje tudi likovno upodobili.
October 10, 2013
Trying to learn more about nature and its protection, we invited a forester Mr. Bojan Zadravec to our school. Among other things he also works with butterflies: he collects them, does researches and examines their lives. The pupils learned about the butterfly life cycle, how to treat them and what is their role in nature.
Butterflies are important in the protection of nature, because they show the rate-nutrition of nature and biodiversity. Protecting their habitat is also important for the protection of other groups of organisms that live there. In addition, adult butterflies with their colours inspire fashion and art. They inspired also our pupils – we tried to create them in art class.
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