Ekološka in dobrodelna akcija “Podari igračo”
Na naši šoli vsako leto priredimo ekološko in dobrodelno akcijo z naslovom “Podari igračo”. V tej akciji učenci stare škatle spremenijo v zbiralne zabojnike, v katerih nato zbirajo stare, a nepoškodovane in še vedno uporabne igrače. Zbrane igrače s pomočjo dobrodelnih ustanov podarimo otrokom iz manj premožnih družin. S tem poskrbimo, da igrače ne romajo v smeti, hkrati pa poskrbimo, da so v decembrskem času daril lahko deležni prav vsi otroci v naši okolici.
Ecological and charity drive called “Give a Toy”
Every year in our school we organize an ecological and fundraiser activity titled “Give a Toy.” In this activity children transform old boxes into collection containers, to which they then collect old, but intact and still usable toys. By the help of charitable institutions we give the collected toys to children from less affluent families. In this way we make sure that toys do not wander into trash but bring joy to less fortunate children in our area, especially in December – the month of gifts.
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