MENTORICA: Silvija Oven, prof.
Otroke v šoli navajamo na kreativno preživljanje prostega časa. V jesenskih delavnicah so učenci nižjih razredov svojo kreativnost združili z zabavo in iz odpadne plastične embalaže izdelali igračo. Z “ribico, ki lovi žogico”, si bodo odslej popestrili prosti čas in ob tem še na igriv način urili svojo telesno koordinacijo.
MENTOR: Silvia Oven, prof.
We educate our children how to spend free time creatively. In the autumn workshops our younger pupils combined their creativity with fun and made a toy from plastic packaging waste. With the “fish that catches a ball” they will enrich their free time and at the same time train their physical coordination in a joyful way.